• Fire Cups

    Experience ancient fire cupping therapy to promote deep relaxation and relieve muscle tension.

  • Detoxify and improve circulation for enhanced wellness.

  • Alleviate pain and support natural healing processes for lasting relief.

Discover the benefits of fire cupping

Our cupping therapy offers a unique experience akin to a reverse massage. By gently lifting muscles and fascia, it draws toxins to the skin's surface, where the immune system can effectively eliminate them, promoting detoxification and enhancing overall well-being. Discover the benefits of fire cupping:

Fire cupping is known to induce relaxation and relieve stress by releasing tension in the muscles.

Pain relief by improving blood flow and releasing muscle tension, including musculoskeletal discomfort.

Fire cupping increases circulation, aiding in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen while removing waste products.

Improved circulation and the removal of stagnation support the body's natural defense mechanisms.

Fire Cupping Services

Fire Cupping

Fire cupping is a time-honored therapeutic practice where glass cups are heated with fire to create a vacuum, which is then placed on the skin to draw out impurities and promote circulation. This ancient technique is known for its ability to alleviate muscle tension, improve blood flow, and facilitate detoxification. At Innovative Acupuncture, we integrate fire cupping into our holistic approach to healthcare, offering a natural method to enhance relaxation, relieve pain, and support overall well-being.